Sunday, February 14, 2010

Naivite - or - he and she

It is difficult watching the Olympics in the house of a self described Olympic curmudgeon if one is a naive or obtuse sports "couch spectator". IF YOU READ HIS BLOG on the Opening Night Ceremonies( although he ends with what he considered a positive tone and open mind, you'll see he began with quite the rant on the corporate, non amateur, business run unfriendly development of the Olympics. He did watch the opening ceremonies but has no real interest in watching anything else, because he has no knowledge of or connection to the athletes or the sports involved.

In general there are many nights she is at her computer with the TV on, while he is in his chair - listening to his ipod and reading and reading and reading .... Separate rooms - separate activities. But as said in earlier blogs, she can use TV as white noise and work on something else. Once the Olympics began, this situation has only increased. Please note: she isn't watching the screen the whole time. In fact, she has so far "missed" many key moments as they actually happen, while looking at her computer screen. But she enjoys knowing what is happening "out there" and considers the Olympics something that should not be missed as important for Canada. Not necessarily for winning medals (although that would be nice) but the fact that Canada is the host. How often does that happen, eh?

Currently she feels bad that in these days / weeks before his surgery, she doesn't spend more free time with him. Instead of sitting and reading side by side, she is in a second room watching TV on the side. She doesn't think she agrees with all of his comments or criticisms of the Olympics, or just some. Perhaps she would prefer to be her usual ostrich self and ignore the negative - or at least be naively obtuse. At any rate,she is not able to counter his arguments when he skillfully expresses his (negative) opinions. She feels that she doesn't have the vocabulary or the smarts. For her it is intuitive. Not everything has to be thought through; it can be felt without having the explanation. Something like religion for her....

And so perhaps ostrich-like or obtuse, she did just turn her full attention to the TV screen for a few minutes to watch the Canadian flag rise, the Canadian national anthem be sung by the throngs in attendance of the awarding of medals for moguls, in particular the gold to Alexsandre Bilodeau. Could she explain it to him in words. No - but for her it was meaningful.

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