Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Magnificent Seven - or is that 14? - and is it magnificent?

If the last note was an "aside", this is a "btw".


Sloth (amalgamation of: discouragement and sorrow/despair)

Pride (once vainglory?)






There have been several days that I have wanted to write, but all of a sudden since it is online, and I may not be the only reader (likely one of two) there seems to be the extra pressure of writing something brilliant. Well - let us settle for something more than mundane. A far cry from the preteen's daily diary that you were afraid someone would read....

Monday, January 25, 2010


I should probably check dictionaries before starting writing - but I also know that I can also edit what I've written - and so - whether "sloth" is the correct word or not, I am not really sure.

Today was a day off work, obstensively to do work on my St Paul's book report due in December 2009. And I did do that, but my heart certainly wasn't into it. In one book Andris looked up, in a chapter on the caregivers of heart surgery patients, it suggests that once back home, the caregiver takes rests everytime the patient does, just to save on energy. That makes sense, but taking a nap now when Andris feels tired is probably taking too much leeway. And isn't that the first step to slothfulness?

What I ultimately did is either a sign that I have come to my senses, have finally grown up and away from fear of not being perfect academically, or another indication of sloth: I wrote to the department secretary to ask what would be the consequences of NOT finishing my book report or writing the 3 hr exam. Yes I lose the $ I paid and I get an F (or worse) for not completing the course - but can I take the course again if I so desire to get my credit for a pastoral liturgy certificate (the course being a requisite)? I can't believe how much I want NOT to do the work right now....

Instead of working on the report I then looked up distance education from St F ofX, weekend courses in Montreal on RCIA and other educational posibilities related to my ministry work. I have the interest, but is it a lack of stick-to-it-iveness? I would like to say that it is that I have other things on my mind. Or is that just the easy excuse?

Maybe it is indolence?

PS Andris warned my that writing here could become addictive.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The green eyed monster - isn't that the other name? What if I have green eyes? Ok - green-grey...

Andris and I went to see a play yesterday in Burnstown - for all people in the valley, a wonderful village (?) to drive to, stop in, and drive from... for artists, artisans, great food and phenomenal coffee and teas. "Neat" is in what used to be in the old one-room school house (that for several years in the more recent past was an antique store Fiorella's) and is now owned by Adam and Kim McKinty and is THE place for coffee and teas and specialized foods, local produce etc. However they also have concerts (Andris saw the Proclaimers in the summer in this tiny but great venue) and one woman on staff has, among other "hats" started a production company for short plays. The first was "Jocasta" and this time "Dear Mrs Martin"....

Ever since my foray onto "the boards" and leaving them , deciding to go for some kind of steady (even if minimal) income over what my heart would have wanted to follow (where I no longer had the income to pay for the bills) although the stage is part of me, I often leave the theatre feeling strangely disconcerted.

We all know the many variations on the joke " how many "x" does it take to screw in a light bulb?" Well, for actors the answer is "One; everyone else says that they could have done it better!" Unfortunately, that is where the jealousy comes in. I doubt that I could have done it better, but rather than simply enjoying the evening, I feel myself taking a critical eye and thinking that "something should have been tightened" or wonder "why was the direction done to highlight that", or ....

Jealousy - but not ambition. I could never have started a production company as did this woman .... And would I now have the guts to get back on the boards? I doubt it. It is much easier to be jealous when you don't have to do something to prove yourself.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It seems that the rest of the world is either blogging and creating work from blogging (Julie and Julia?), or reading blogs and discovering new paths for life, or sitting back. My husband has a blog, which I think is incredibly creative. In fact I should put a link to it here ... except that I don't yet know how to do that .... Maybe this is it?
Not quite....

Perhaps it was John's dispatch from Haiti, writing about what he sees could be a good blog, that made me take the leap. Maybe it was a friend of Susan's, whose family started a blog to report on the health of the friend who fell unconscious and is now hopefully trying to find her way back to consciousness and her family.

One could question if my blogging will ever be read, or is this my virtual diary of which I will tire. What would aliens see in this world, if their only sources of information were blogs? One could also question whether or not something like blogging is "modern" when someone the likes of me joins the multitudes. I mean - facebook and I connecting certainly means it is not a cutting edge form of connectivity.

And yet - here I am.